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Our Projects

In future we will

Open our radio station

As said earlier, we do care about culture, and the radio,
even if it seems a bit old fashioned, is one of the best way to spread music.
Our radio will promote artists who are emerging, (if they are citizens, even better) in every genre, and interview them to hear their perspective on the subject.

WhatsApp Image 2020-11-11 at 10.59.58 AM

Our show

Opening tv channel would be too expensive for now, but doing a series like tv shows on youtube would be accessible. We are planning to have our news show, documentaries, talkshows and even a reality show.
Because every citizen needs some entertainment.

Schermi TV

Our recording label

Well, the two projects below can be done without somewhere to record. But it's not just for that. Maybe there is an artist that needs support among our citizens , so why shouldn't we help it?

studio di registrazione

Partecipate to the MicroCon

One important step for the nation is to partecipate to the MicroCon and meet all the representatives of the other micronations, so we can build strong bonds and help each other grow.

Nazioni Unite

3 Nights In Pølmonia

3 Nights In Pølmonia will be the name of our music festival that will take place in summer. Emerging artist from all over will be playing each night

Image by Danny Howe

Open an art gallery

An art gallery will be the perfect way to give people the opportunity to see beautiful artworks from emerging artists who pour their art and soul in what they do. The gallery will be online and hopefully take place somewhere someday

Image by Amy-Leigh Barnard
Projects: Progetti
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